Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience Toolkit

Over the course of 2022, the National Survivor Network partnered with the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery to develop new frameworks for meaningful survivor engagement and inclusion in decision-making in the anti-trafficking sector. This toolkit is what we developed for our use in our own organizations, and hope will be useful broadly.

About the toolkit:

  • Learn more about the Lived Experience Engagement Spectrum!
  • Learn how to move your organization up the Lived Experience Inclusion Ladder!
  • Learn about how to address common barriers to meaningful lived experience!
  • Get access to 30+ pages of surveys, tools, and evaluation guidance you can use to measure your organization’s progress toward meaningful survivor engagement!

View the toolkit here: 


p. 39, #17 should read: Have all existing documents, plans, policies, and programs that were created without collaboration with impacted people been reviewed by multiple consultants with lived experience of both sex and labor trafficking?*

Screen reader-accessible version of the toolkit in Google Doc form here: Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience (accessible)

Screen reader-accessible version of the Tools and Assessments section in Google Doc form (with errata corrected, and which you can make a copy to type in responses as you analyze) here: Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience Tools and Assessments (accessible)

Spreadsheet analysis template: Spreadsheet template for doing the analysis