Our theme for Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month (January, 2022) was 31 Days of Change to Empower Survivor Leadership in the Anti-Human Trafficking Movement. Each day of the month, we shared a recommendation for movement change that could empower survivor leaders. Many days were recommendations for nonprofit organizations and managers; some days were recommendations for survivors rethinking how they want to engage in this work. We are delighted to share this information here. We recognize that these practices may be aspirational for some organizations, and that change sometimes happens incrementally. We invite you to join with us in making steps, big and small, toward meaningful change to empower survivor leadership!

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Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. A stock image from #WOCinTech shows three women of color working together on their laptops. Text says: "Survivor is not a job description or a skill set. Write training, support, and professional development for survivor consultants into your budget."

Survivor is not a job description or skill set. It is a description of someone’s relationship to an experience.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. A person wearing a hijab is working at a desk. thought bubbles above her say "child care, time off other work, tech and supplies, loss of rest time, and study and pre-work." Text says: "When offering professional development, remember: time is money."

When offering professional development and training opportunities to survivors, PAY THEM FOR THEIR TIME AS WELL to make these opportunities more accessible.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. A person with brown skin and long hair is resting her chin in her hand. Question marks float around her head, as she is being asked to type her information here, and here, and here, and also here. Text says "Nobody likes an overly complicated application process. Make your application process simple and sensible. Time has value."

Simplify application processes to show you value applicants’ time.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. There is an image of a laptop, and a tutorial about how to use a spreadsheet is on the screen. Text says: "Create a tutorial library for new hires to learn common tasks in your agency like editing invoices, entering client data, and creating an email signature."

Use tutorial plugins like Loom to explain any processes essential to your work.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. A person with light skin and short hair is thinking, eyes closed, head down. Thought bubbles over their head say 'dress clothes,' 'airfare,' and 'hotel.' Text says: "Cover survivors' expenses, rather than reimburse, to reduce barriers to leadership."

It is survivor-friendly policy to AVOID asking survivors to front expenses. Book their flights & rooms for them.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. An image of a calendar with payday marked is shown. Text says: "When will the first paycheck arrive?"

Consider running a one-off payroll or offering an advance or hiring bonus, as gaps in pay can be a barrier to survivor engagement in movement leadership

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Images of medical supplies and clip art are there. Text says: "Start benefits without delays. A delay in benefits coverage can be a barrier to someone entering movement leadership work."

Prioritize employee wellness, especially for survivors, who may have additional healthcare needs from their trafficking. 

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text is a quote from Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior and says: "In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as 'right to work.' It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. It is supported by Southern segregationists who are trying to keep us from achieving our civil rights and our right of equal job opportunity. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone."

Labor rights are human rights. We strive to model this in our movement work as well as in our workplaces. 

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Image is formatted to look like a phone reminder app screen. Text says: This work is hard. 1) Notice how the work impacts you and the ways you show up. 2) Set up "second layer support" to manage vicarious trauma. 3) Be gentle with yourself; Be accountable to yourself and others."

Learn ways to be sustainable in this work; be gentle with yourself and conscious of how your work impacts you. See tips at our LinkedIn.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text says "Racial equity is more than hiring quotes. (time to rethink your entire organizational framework."

Racial equity is more than hiring quotas: it is rethinking your entire organizational framework to root out inequitable practices & assumptions.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Image is formatted like a reminder on a smart phone, with options to "remember" or "save for later". Text reads: "Trauma informed isn't just for clients. It's for organizations, supervision, and human resources policies."

Learn more about & implement trauma-informed supervision here

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Tools are near a toolbox. Text says: "Surviving trafficking is not management training. While many survivors may have skills with supervision and management, not all do. Don't assume that survivorship means someone automatically has the tools to do every job, and commit to providing training where it is needed and wanted."

 When hiring or promoting survivors into management or supervisory positions, help them learn the skills of effective management

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text says "We were all new once." The words "Don't gatekeep" appear on a bar crossing a closed door."

We were all new once. Avoid showing off or bragging. Be patient. Share wisdom & professional networks generously. Don’t gatekeep.  

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text is a quote from Chris Ash, Survivor Leadership Program Manager, and says "When the universe opens a door, take off the hinges."

Empowering new leaders & youth leadership is movement-wide succession planning.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text says "Many HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, 2SLGBTQIA, and sex worker rights organizations are led by individuals who have lived experiences that fit the definition of severe forms of trafficking. Their survivor voices are as valid as any other survivors'."

Listening to all survivors ensures that our solutions are meaningful and relevant.

Square image with NSN logo that includes Human Trafficking Awareness Month hashtags. Text says "Our values are our North Star. Shared values create a container for generative conflict."

Shared values create a container for generative conflict.