In 2008, the movie Taken presented a riveting image of human trafficking that captivated the public imagination and brought human trafficking to the forefront of
The NSN has been conducting research into survivors' experiences of storytelling and what an authentic, survivor-driven storytelling practice might look
On February 20, the NSN hosted "Radical Nonjudgment in Survivor Advocacy: Harm reduction in practice." This panel addressed: - What do we mean by "radical
When we have an incomplete view of what "survivor leadership" could be, sometimes we get protective or possessive of what few opportunities we think there
In the anti-trafficking sector, many movement leaders are hesitant to disclose lived experience for fear they won’t be taken seriously as a professional. And many
In March of 2022, the National Survivor Network provided feedback to the Senior Policy Operating Group on racial equity in anti-trafficking work, in response to
Several of our values in our clarified values statement address racism and racial equity directly. Racial justice is essential to ending trafficking. Beyond and in
The National Survivor Network is a values-based membership and professional network for survivors of human trafficking engaged in or preparing for leadership in the anti-trafficking
The National Survivor Network is a values-based membership and professional network for survivors of human trafficking engaged in or preparing for leadership in the anti-trafficking
For many survivors, survivor leadership positions in the movement may be among the first jobs we’ve had in “professional” settings, so it can feel intimidating to negotiate pay. This
Following are some ideas for template and sample products/policies nonprofit professionals may find useful. Consider saving these forms, or similar forms, into a folder you share
It’s January 1, 2022, and today marks the beginning of Human Trafficking Awareness