January 30, 2023 | Category: News and Updates, Resources
“Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience: a framework and assessment for measuring and increasing lived experience leadership across the spectrum of engagement” outlines the Lived Experience Engagement Spectrum, explains how to move your organization up the Lived Experience Inclusion Ladder, gives practical tips on how to address common barriers to meaningful lived experience engagement, and offers 30+ pages of surveys, tools, and evaluation guidance you can use to measure your organization’s progress toward meaningful survivor engagement.
Download the toolkit now: Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience
Meaningful Engagement of People with Lived Experience with Chris Ash and Sophie Otiende (video): Meaningful Engagement
Access a screen reader-accessible, text version of the framework: Meaningful Engagement – Text Only
Access a text version of the surveys and analysis instruments for filling directly in or for screen readers: Surveys and Analysis – Text Only
Access a Google Sheet designed to support your analysis and action planning: Meaningful Engagement Analysis Spreadsheet
Infographic with basic instructions for analyzing the survey results: Analyzing the Survey: Instructions
Council of Europe Guidelines for policy makers on engaging with victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (which uses this framework)
Want to learn how to better apply this framework in research? View: A Funders Toolkit for Lived Experience Inclusion in Modern Slavery Research
Have you seen the NSN’s new Resource Library? Check it out here: Resource Library