Beautiful Resumes for Survivors!

Step 1:

If you do not already have a resume, or if you are unhappy with your current resume, we have created a Resume Planning Worksheet for you to put together the information you might use to draft a resume. This worksheet is view-only. In order to edit your own worksheet, you will need to either make a copy and edit your copy in Google Docs, or you will need to download a copy to edit in Microsoft word. To make your own copy, click on “File” under the document title in the top left corner of your browser window, and then click on “Make a copy” in the options that appear in the dropdown list. LINK TO WORKSHEET

Step 2:

Select your resume template from the images listed below. Each template has a different name. When you request your template you may refer to the name listed on the resume.

Step 3:

If you are not a survivor of human trafficking, you can order your template from the seller directly here: SimPro Resume

If you are a survivor of human trafficking, you can email  to request your template. If you are not a member of the NSN or Resilient Voices, please let us know what organization referred you to this link or how you heard about it.

We are grateful to have received permission from the template designer to use these templates for survivor leadership program participants and survivor-clients looking to develop a pretty resume. Please respect the small business owner who developed them (who is the child of a farmworker and excited to share them with us!) by not sharing outside the audience we have permission to use them with. To refer others or purchase additional resume templates, see:

Step 4:

The Survivor Leadership Program Manager (SLPM) will email you the template files to edit with your personal information.

If you are a member of the NSN or Resilient Voices, the SLPM is happy to set up a time to meet with you to work on your resume together, or to assist you in getting your personal information into the template properly.