April 12, 2023 | Category: Resources
The NSN has been conducting research into survivors’ experiences of storytelling and what an authentic, survivor-driven storytelling practice might look like.
View our research report, Whose story, whose benefit: Returning (to) the power of authentic storytelling
View our preliminary findings from our study, Survivor’s Experiences of Sharing their Stories Publicly
The NSN is thrilled to offer our Survivor Storytelling Workbook, co-authored by Sabra Boyd and Chris Ash. In the anti-trafficking sector, it is often assumed that survivors will want to tell their trauma stories “for the greater good.” And in the movements to end sexual and partner violence, it is often assumed that professionals will not want to share their trauma stories publicly, or even their survivorship! But what does this mean for survivors? How does this impact the kinds of stories they feel obligated to tell, and their willingness to explore and assert their own boundaries?
This workbook offers practical guidance and considerations for survivors wanting to explore where their boundaries are around public storytelling, how to leverage their stories for impactful advocacy, and how to craft a compelling, survivor-developed story appropriate for each audience.
And did we mention worksheets? We have worksheets! Check it out! (Each listing below includes both a printable PDF version and a fillable Google Docs version for accessibility.)
View the full workbook: Survivor Storytelling Workbook for advocates with lived experience working in the many movements to end violence
Media Relations Training for Trafficking Survivors
Pitching and Publishing Op-Eds, Essays, and Articles
Individual Worksheets
Survivor Storytelling Safety and Privacy Checklist
Survivor Storytelling Worksheet for Evaluating a Single Engagement
Survivor Storytelling Crafting Story Arc Worksheet
Survivor Storytelling Story Structure Worksheet
See what else is in our resource library here: Resource Library